Yoga Nidra Script for Sleep and Mental Health

What if I told you Yoga Nidra Script could improve your sleep and mental health? Have you ever wished you could fall into a deep and perfect sleep? The kind of sleep that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed? Have you wished for a peaceful, calm mind with less stress, worry, and depressed feelings? Suppose you’re like many people, quality

Handstand Progression for Total Body Fitness

Handstand progression for total body fitness is my new recommendation for anyone up for a challenge. Although it may look intimidating at the start, learning to do a handstand, and then eventually walking on your hands, is one of the best ten-minute workouts out there. With a steady practice of the handstand progression, you will be on your way to

Buteyko Breathing Method, Techniques, and History

One of the most powerful practices I’ve experienced to fight anxiety, boost energy, and improve overall general health has been the Buteyko Breathing Method. During the 1950s, a doctor from the Soviet Union began developing the principles of the Buteyko breathing technique. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko was a physiologist interested in respiration and hyperventilation. Specifically, how breathing rates directly affect numerous

The Importance of Your Lymphatic System

I overheard a fitness guru discussing his morning routine, and he casually mentioned a trampoline he keeps near his desk at his work. He continued talking. I wasn’t quite sure what he was rambling on about because I completely lost focus. I was stuck on his comment about the trampoline. Something clicked in my head, and I began pondering this

Learning From the Immortal Jellyfish

I had no idea there was an Immortal Jellyfish. Scientists have discovered a jellyfish that can live forever and lead to clues on human mortality. The Turritopsis dohrnii is officially known as the only immortal creature on the planet Earth. This creature has been able to reverse the aging process and return to a young state. As the study of