David Goggins Pull Up Record

One of the best exercises to test your overall physical well-being and fitness is the pull-up. David Goggins set the record for most pull-ups in 24 hours back in 2013. With 4,030 repetitions, David Goggins pull up record held for some time before it was finally broken. David Goggins is one of the most interesting characters out there. He’s an

Nasal Breathing for Optimized Health

Nasal breathing might be the most important skill you develop in the next three months. If you disagree, I’d encourage you to read on with an open mind to the amazing capabilities of our respiratory system. Breathing is a fundamental part of living. We all think that we know how to breathe. But, do we? The answer to this question

Yoga Nidra Script for Sleep and Mental Health

What if I told you Yoga Nidra Script could improve your sleep and mental health? Have you ever wished you could fall into a deep and perfect sleep? The kind of sleep that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed? Have you wished for a peaceful, calm mind with less stress, worry, and depressed feelings? Suppose you’re like many people, quality

My Methods

My health and wellness methods have changed drastically over the years. From running multiple marathons, participating in college athletics, weight lifting, and attempting to diagnose difficult and painful health issues I’ve experienced, it feels like I’ve tried almost everything. Eventually, I realized that perpetual trial and error will always be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies and minds

Handstand Progression for Total Body Fitness

Handstand progression for total body fitness is my new recommendation for anyone up for a challenge. Although it may look intimidating at the start, learning to do a handstand, and then eventually walking on your hands, is one of the best ten-minute workouts out there. With a steady practice of the handstand progression, you will be on your way to